César Forero
Profesor Cátedra

Research Group:


      Office: ML 223


      Extension: 1890

  • B.Sc Informatics Engineering, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
  • M.Sc Software Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Interests and Research lines:

  • Programming languages
  • Adaptive systems
  • Dynamic programs analysis and verification
  • Software engineering

Research Group:



Degree Discipline Institution Year
M.Sc Software Engineering Universidad de los Andes 2016
B.Sc Informatics Engineering Universidad de La Sabana 2013


Academic experience



Rank Tittle (chair, coordinator, etc.) When

(ex. 1995-1997)

Full time or part-time
Universidad de Los Andes Instructor 2016-Present FT


Non-academic experience

Company or entity Title Brief description of position When (ex. 1995-1997) Full time or part-time
Ernst & Young Auditor ITRA Services Technology auditor responsible of evaluating security risks. 2012-2013 FT
StartBull.com Lead Software Developer Responsible of leading development team on the creation of a social network platform which includes design, development, deployment, monitoring and supporting processes. 2013-2014 FT
Universidad de Los Andes Research Project Assistance Responsible to design and develop a new version for UnaCloud software project. UnaCloud is a platform that implements IaaS model in an opportunistic way to harvest idle resources on a non-dedicated infrastructure. 2014-2016 PT


Certifications or professional registrations

Colombia, Professional Card


Current membership in professional organizations



Honors and awards

  • Distinguished student, Universidad de La Sabana (Seven periods).
  • Meritorious student, Universidad de La Sabana.
  • Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship, IEEE Computer Society.
  • Best ECAES score, Engineering Faculty, Universidad de La Sabana.


Service activities (within and outside of the institutions)

  • Eight years as IEEE Volunteer
  • IEEE Colombia Section Student Activities Chair 2015 -2016


List of the most important publications and presentations from the past five years

  • Determining the Real Capacity of a Desktop Cloud https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-26928-3_5


List the most recent professional development activities


Percentage of time available for research or scholarly activities

Teaching 60%, Research 20% and Curricular Committee 20%.


Percentage of time committed to the program

100% (Full Time)